
Join us for corporate worship throughout this Lent journey, gathering to listen and reflect on God’s Word; pray, confess, and receive God’s forgiveness; break bread and share Christ’s love; sing and go forth to bear Christ’s love. When we gather, you are invited to consider:

What is the physical or metaphorical wilderness in this gathering?

What does this scripture teach us about the wilderness?

How does the wilderness shape those who journey through it? Where is God in the wilderness?

Lent Study |  Animate: Practices
March 4 - April 1

This five week study takes place weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30pm in St. Paul’s Parish Hall (March 4-April 1). It is an engaging introduction to five central practices of the Christian Faith – Prayer, Food, Worship, Sacraments, and Service. Each week’s theme is presented by a current biblical scholar and theologian (Brian McLaren, Sara Miles, Mike Slaughter, Phyllis Tickle, and Enuma Okoro) in a brief video, and followed by facilitated discussion and activities around the theme. Participants also receive a journal for their daily engagement of the themes between meetings. Our meeting begins with a simple soup supper, provided by participants through sign-up. To register, please sign up in the parish hall or on line at www.steamboatstpauls.org/2020lentsignup

Shrove Tuesday
Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00 pm
St Mark’s Church of Grace, Craig

Join in fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ for prayer, fun and festivities as we mark our transition into Lent.  Enjoy sweet pancakes, fun activities, and great conversation for all ages. 

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 26

12:10 pm Ecumenical Service of the Ashes
St Paul’s Episcopal Sanctuary

6:00 pm Episcopal Service of the Ashes
St Paul’s Episcopal Sanctuary

An Order of Evensong
Sunday, March 1 at 5:00 pm

Since the late middle ages "evensong" has been the popular name for vespers (from the Latin vesperis, "evening"), the Evening Office of the western church. Thomas Cranmer used it in the 1549 BCP. Although in 1552 he replaced it with "Evening Prayer," the common name remains "evensong.” This service follows the traditional pattern in The Book of Common Prayer and consists of choral music (psalms, canticles, and anthems) from the rich Anglican musical tradition, scripture readings, and prayers. It is a beautiful way of entering into the prayerful solemnity of Lent and a special treat for clergy, choir, and congregation member alike. Please join us! Note: we will not hold a 5 pm Eucharist this evening.