The Holy Eucharist


Holy Eucharist is the principal worship service throughout the Episcopal Church. The term Holy Eucharist refers to both the sacrament and the worship service surrounding it.

In the sacrament of Holy Eucharist, the priest blesses bread and wine—representing Christ’s body and blood—and shares it with the congregation. The worship service we call Holy Eucharist goes back to the first century, when the early Christians combined the Jewish religious practice of holy readings and prayers with the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Throughout the Episcopal Church, the Eucharist is core to our Christian tradition, tying us back each week to the Last Supper, to Christ’s personal sacrifice, to Christ’s resurrection, and to two millennia of Christian religious practice.

For us, Christ is truly present to us in the Eucharist. Eucharist comes from a Greek word that means Thanksgiving. The entire liturgy is our offering of thanks to God.

We welcome you to participate with us in this ancient and holy tradition.