Ash Wednesday Services
12:00 noon & 6:00pm
Weekly Services - Sanctuary & Live Stream
Sundays, 9:30a
**Childcare Available as well as in-pew
materials for junior parishioners
Daughters of the King Mtng - Parish Hall
winter schedule begins Nov 9,
2nd Saturdays -9:30a to 11:30a
Children's Chapel
Sundays, 9:30a
Middle School Youth Group
Sundays - 5:30 - 7:00p
@Heart of Steamboat United Methodist
Group Youth Dinners (most Sundays)
Sundays - 6:30 - 7:00p
@Heart of Steamboat United Methodist
High School Youth Group
Sundays - 6:30 - 8:00p
@Heart of Steamboat United Methodist
Vestry Meeting - Parish Hall
4th Mondays, 4:00p - 6:00p
Outreach Mtng - Church Library
2nd Wednesdays, 11a
Good Grief Resource Center - Church LIbrary
Wednesdays, 4p - 6p
Thursdays, 12p - 2p
Choir Practice - Sanctuary
Sundays, 8am
Friday Men’s Breakfast - The Egg
Fridays, 8:30a
Community AA Mtng - Parish Hall
Fridays, 5:30p
Phone: 970.879.0925
Physical Address: 846 Oak Street | Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Mailing Address: PO Box 770722 | Steamboat Springs, CO 80477
*Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri - 11-4