Sunday Morning Service - Sanctuary & Live Stream
Sundays, 9:30a
Sunday Evening Prayer - Old Stone Church
Sundays, 5:30p
Large Print
Large Print copies of the Book of Common Prayer as well as each Sunday’s hymns are available, on request, from the Ushers in the Sanctuary.
Libro de Oración Común
Contamos con 2 ejemplares del Libro de Oración Común en español. Pregúntele a un ujier si desea utilizar una copia durante el servicio.
We have 2 copies of the Book of Common Prayer in Spanish. Please ask an Usher if you would like to use a copy during the service.
Jan 2024: We are streamlining the Bulletin. The Vestry is looking to see where we can more effective stewards of the resources we have, and the service sheet is one of the places we can do that, by using much less paper, ink, and labor for proofreading and production.
Our goal is to move from a multi-page service sheet to one that simply directs us to the prayer books, hymnals, and Bibles that we already have, readily accessible to everyone. We're beginning by removing the hymns, and will progress to removing the substantial amounts of text which you can then read straight from the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer.
We know that some people love having the entire service printed. We hope that you will prayerfully open yourself to the positive possibilities in this change and look at it even as a way to become more familiar with the rich resources available to us all in the BCP.
From a hospitality standpoint, please also be mindful of welcoming the stranger who may be among us (or the friend who may yet be a stranger to using the BCP!), and keep an eye out for those in the pews who might welcome your friendly, "here - I already have the book open to the right place," as you offer yours to that person in love before getting a different one for yourself. Thank you for being the Body of Christ that you always are in that way at St. Paul's!