Five Areas of Call - Community

And all who believed were together and had all things in common, and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need.  And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.  And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. - Acts: 2:43-47


Any community needs a binding force.  As a church, that binding force is Jesus Christ.  The congregation of St. Paul’s is brought together and formed into community as a living expression of the body of Christ.

We are a widely diverse community of faith.  We have members who have lived in Steamboat for many years, those who are new to town, and those who call Steamboat home part of the year.  We have members who have traveled the Christian path for many years and others who are starting or re-starting their Christian journey.  We have cradle Episcopalians, lifelong members of St. Paul’s, and others who have come from other faith journeys.   We desire, as a parish, to be community to all who seek a deeper relationship with God in Jesus Christ.

During the January 13, 2019 parish meeting, we received input that can help identify what it is to be community.  The Priest-in-Charge Discernment Team found it useful to categorize the input we received from that meeting depending upon where individuals are in their faith journey.    

The following attributes of community speak more profoundly to those newer in their faith journey:

  • Creating  a safe environment

  • Welcoming

  • Accepting

  • Participatory

  • Honoring each other

  • Remembering

The following actions of the community speak more profoundly to those who are more deeply engaged in their faith journey:

  • Listen and acknowledge

  • Exude sweetness

  • Be compassionate

  • Create a brave space to practice and grow

  • Respect our differences

  • Encourage vulnerability

  • Practice holy listening

  • Participate

  • Honor each other

  • Remember

Discernment Question

What’s attractive to you about our community, and is it the community that God is calling us to be?