Dear Bishop Kym,
Upon reading your letter in a recent Diocesan Digest, the vestry of St. Paul’s, Steamboat Springs, was disappointed, but not surprised, to learn that you have been receiving email messages disparaging the restrictions you have enacted regarding Covid-19. In response we, the vestry, want to offer our support for your leadership in guiding the diocese through the pandemic.
From your public comments we know that you are as tired of the Covid-19 restrictions as the rest of us. We all long for the time when we can engage with one another unhampered by restrictions designed to reduce the spread of the virus. But until then, we respect your patience and tenacity as you lead us through this period in the way that you feel led by the Spirit.
Specifically, we support the following:
- We support the transparency of your decision making. You have been very clear about your priorities which emphasize providing a safe environment for the more vulnerable members of our diocese, including children who are too young to receive the vaccine.
- We support you as the person who must lead us in applying the advice from the medical community while trying to best meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the members of our diocese.
As with all congregations, our members have different levels of risk tolerance and different ideas about balancing individual freedom and care of the greater community. We thank you for not only looking out for the spiritual and physical health of our members, but also for instructing us on where you feel the Spirit is leading us regarding loving our neighbors.
The Vestry of St. Paul’s Steamboat
Rick Wodnik, Sr. Warden