Summer affords us long days, cool nights, splendid creation, and hopefully some down time to enjoy them! So St. Paul’s is taking our formation efforts outside the walls of our church building and inviting any and all participants to gather together in small groups for leisure, community, and renewal. The logistics are pretty simple:
1. Sign up below by June 9.
2. Check the box if you are interested in hosting one or more of your small group gatherings and please indicate is there is an evening of the week that generally does not work for you. We hope to limit the possibility of gathering conflicts within any given group.
3. St. Paul’s leadership will assign all who sign up to a small group comprised of 4-8 people. Families/couples will be assigned to the same group unless otherwise requested.
4. Look for your group assignment to be posted on Sunday, June 16.
5. Once comprised, groups are responsible for communicating with each other to determine their first meeting time and place. Have fun with this! You might gather around dinner in someone’s home, or a hike, or mid-day coffee – whatever seems like a good fit for your group.
6. Meet at your discretion through the end of September (we suggest minimally once per month).
That’s it! No curriculum, no reporting back, no long term commitment. The intent of these gatherings is to foster relationship with one another and hopefully an appreciation for the richness with which God has blessed us. St. Paul’s will provide some discussion prompts, should it be helpful to your group, but how you choose to spend your time together is at the discretion of each group. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!