August 18, 6pm
SK8 Church Back-to-School Meal
Sign up here!
August 28, TBC
Church Picnic & Catie’s Sabbatical Sendoff
*subject to occasional date/time adjustments which may not be reflected below
Sundays, 9:30a
Weekly Services - Sanctuary & Live Stream
Mondays, 6:30p
Chamber Singers Practice - Sanctuary
2nd Mondays, 5:30p
Daughters of the King Mtng - Parish Hall
4th Mondays, 5:00p
Vestry Meeting - Parish Hall
3rd Tuesdays, 5pm
Ladies Monthly Mingle - Rotating Homes
3rd Wednesdays, 11:30a
Service Team Mtng - Church Library
Thursdays, 4:00p
Choir Practice - Sanctuary
Fridays, 8:30a
Friday Men’s Breakfast - The Egg
Fridays, 5:30p
Community AA Mtng - Parish Hall